The NHS as an ‘anchor institution’
18. As an employer of 1.4 million people, with an annual budget of £114 billion in 2018/19, the health service creates social value in local communities. Some NHS organisations are the largest local employer or procurer of services. For example, nearly one in five people employed in Blackpool work for the NHS and the Gross Value Added (GVA) from health spending is significantly higher than in areas in the south (over 17% vs 4% in London). Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust has committed to deploying 2% of its future annual budget with local suppliers, estimating it will add £5-8 million to the local economy. Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is supporting the city’s inclusive growth strategy by targeting its employability and schools outreach offer at neighbourhoods in the most deprived 1% nationally and is increasing its apprenticeship programmes by 51% year-on- year. In partnership with the Health Foundation, we will work with sites across the country to identify more of this good practice that can be adopted across England.