
Introduction to the Long Term Plan Implementation Framework:

An integrated approach to strategic and operational planning:

A proactive approach to prevention and reducing health inequalities:

Investment to support transformation:

Transformed out-of-hospital care and integrated community-based care: 

Reducing pressure on emergency hospital services:

Giving people more control over their own health and more personalised care:

Digitally-enabling primary care and outpatient care:

Improving cancer outcomes:

Improving mental health services:

Shorter waits for planned care:

Developing Integrated Care Systems:

Developing Primary Care Networks:

Delivering further progress on care quality and outcomes:

More NHS action on prevention

A strong start in life for children and young people:

Learning disabilities and autism:

Cardiovascular disease:

Stroke care:


Respiratory disease:

Research and innovation:



Health and the justice system:

Veterans and the armed forces:

Health and the environment:

Health and employment:

Anchor institutions:

Giving NHS staff the backing they need:

Delivering digitally-enabled care across the NHS:

Financial and planning assumptions for systems:

Improving productivity:

Reducing variation across the health system: